
Open to connect

Members listed here have invited contact from other members and/or indicated their availability to accept assignments.





Robbie 2022

Robbie Cheadle

Robbie is an author of books for children, young adults, adults and poetry. She has recently launched a Southern African Safari Adventures series aimed at teaching young children about the wonders of Southern African wildlife in an engaging and interesting way. See more here:


Adam Clayton

Adam is a Countryside Ranger and writer working in Greater Manchester. His work is focused on public engagement and has covered everything from site-based written interpretation to booklets and podcasts. His best ideas take shape outdoors.


Edward ed

Edward Morrow

Edward Morrow is an ISA-certified arborist, tree risk assessor and author who works with individuals, communities and businesses to strengthen their knowledge about the benefits of local tree systems.


Anna Turns

Anna is a freelance environmental journalist based in Devon, UK. Since studying biology at university, she has worked in the media for more than 20 years. First TV, then magazine journalism. She has freelanced for more than a decade and writes regularly for the Guardian, BBC and many other national publications, translating complex science into compelling stories. She has taught journalism undergraduates at Plymouth Marjon University and enjoys presenting episodes of Costing the Earth for BBC Radio 4. Her work focuses on solutions – progress, innovations and the changemakers pushing for a greener planet. In 2022, she published her first book, Go Toxic Free: Easy and sustainable ways to reduce chemical pollution.


Geoff Le Pard

Former lawyer now full time writer and blogger, Geoff has written about many topics including the environment, and maintains a passionate belief in focusing on all issues surrounding it and our impacts on it.


Karin Westdyk

Karin is a former teacher, an environmental journalist, editor and activist. She has researched and authored many articles on environmental issues published in the US, Belize, and Australia, as well as a chapter on hydrogen technology featured in Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries, a book published in 1994 by the Aukland Institute of Technology. In 2012, she published her first children‘s book titled Flidgywumper, and in 2023, Flidgywumper Saves the Seas, a 5 star rated book designed to entertain and educate, but most importantly, serving to encourage children and the adults in their lives to care and act to turn the tide on plastic pollution in our oceans. Karin’s inspiration for her children’s books comes from the 8 children she helped raise, and her grandchildren — “I feel strongly that to give children hope – and we must – it is important to show them how to affect change, make a plan and follow through.” Karin has lived in Belize since 2008 where she maintains a small sustainable homestead with a focus on indigenous plants and trees. In addition to contributing articles to the Belize AgReport, a magazine with a strong voice for regenerative agriculture, she facilitates a program to help children stay in school, another to help families with no electricity acquire solar energy, and she serves on the board of an organization promoting organic agriculture.

Alethea ed

Alethea Kehas

Alethea tries to spread environmental awareness through her blog and social media platforms and is writing a middle grade series focused on our connection to the planet. A desire to help today’s youth live more mindful and authentic lives led to the creation of the Warriors of Light visionary fiction series, the first book of which, The Labyrinth, is available in paperback and ebook form. Alythea’s own healing journey is told through the lens of a hybrid text of poetry, photographs, and narratives in A Girl Named Truth. She lives in New Hampshire, USA.

Kara ed

Kara Majerus

Kara is the Founder and Director of the Sustainable Oceanic Research Conservation and Education field school (SORCE) in Lombok, Indonesia. She works as a marine conservation biologist, focusing on the management and restoration of marine ecosystems within and around the Gita Nada Marine Park. Alongside the practical biology, Kara teaches students from around the globe who join her on expeditions where they delve into theoretical and practical marine conservation – from corals to mangrove, and turtles to nudibranchs, all life that can call itself tropical and marine. Through these teachings and her work within the marine park, uniting stakeholders, whether they be local residents, NGO members, university academics, private business investors, fishermen, miners or something else,  Kara is able to fulfil a lifelong passion for marine conservation and strives every day to bridge the gap between the scientist and the lay man – a task she feels is more important now than it ever has been.  

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Madison Lusk

Madison is a dedicated environmentalist with a passion for science communications. While she writes regularly about the environment on her blog, EcoProse, she’s still working to break into the world of professional environmental writing.

Angie Brew ed

Dr Angela Brew

Dr Brew writes about drawing and nature. She runs creative residencies around the world, offering space and time for artists to come together to explore their creativity in nature, with a focus on the power of creative practices to affect change. Her 2015 PhD explores drawing and cognition, and she writes for academic publishers on drawing, cognition and education.

She is currently working on an illustrated book, All The Birds, with drawings of all the bird species still surviving in our world. See more on

Bill Streever 900

Bill Streever

Dr. Bill Streever, a biologist, is an award winning and bestselling nature writer. He has authored and co-authored more than a hundred papers and book chapters on topics ranging from habitat restoration to the cumulative effects of development to the impacts of underwater sounds on whales and fish. He lives with his wife, marine biologist and photographer Lisanne Aerts, aboard their 57-year-old cruising sailboat Rocinante.  The two of them are currently in the Pacific and underway on what they describe as “an intentionally slow circumnavigation.” Bill asks: “Is there a way to let other members know that I enjoy writing book reviews? If any members have books coming out and are interested in reviews, I am happy to consider their books.”

David Chandler

David Chandler

Freelance writer, editor and wildlife guide. Author/co-author of 17 books including A Beginner’s Guide to Dragonflies, Damselflies and Kingfishers. Regular contributor to Bird Watching magazine. Editor of Root & Branch, the magazine of A Rocha UK (

Jolyon Walford

Jolyon 'Jo' Walford

Jo lives on the eastern edge of Birmingham. He’s held an interest in the natural world and environmentalism throughout his life. He has experience of writing and teaching as a lay minister in the Church of England, and has written blog posts and content for the social media channels and website of Birmingham Friends of the Earth. Jo has enrolled for the OU’s Advanced Creative Writing module.

His biggest hope from membership is to receive a little peer support, to be able to learn from the experience of others and to be part of a network of active environmental writers and journalists.

jim rea

James Rea

James lives close to the Bethpage State Park on Long Island, New York State, USA. Hiking through the park every day drove him to say: “The insanity related to the use of gas powered leaf blowers means that not even the woods are safe from them. Neither I, nor the wildlife that calls these woods home, needed this to be done and why is taxpayer money being used for such a ridiculous reason?”
He’s a retired high school history teacher.

Babette Gallard

Babette lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. She has been a TV researcher and journalist, lived in seven countries, lived on a boat, and “delayed becoming a sensible adult until my daughter was born”. Babette completed an MA in Creative Writing in 2022 and has just started a PhD in English Studies focusing on Creative Writing at Stellenbosch University. She has a book about to be published, described as “environmental but not dystopian because I still believe we have the power to change, if not reverse, our ecological trajectory”.

Jasmine Jayamanne

Jasmine is an actress, playwright, narrator and nature enthusiast, currently completing her master’s degree at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London.

Melissa Hobson

Melissa is an ocean-loving journalist who writes about marine conservation, biology, sustainability and more. Passionate about creating change for people and planet through her writing and communications.

Dr Jonathan Frost

Jon is a physicist and proprietor of the Green Elephant sustainability consultancy. He’s a frequent blogger and a master coach with an emphasis on critical thinking.

Esther Chilton

Esther has been a writing tutor for The Writers Bureau distance learning college for  fifteen years, helping her students develop their writing. She has also launched her own copyediting business.
As well as winning several writing competitions herself, Esther is also Head Judge of Writers’ Forum magazine’s monthly short story competition. She writes for several writing publications and regularly has articles and short stories printed in a variety of newspapers including The Guardian, Evergreen, Best of British and Reader’s Digest. Esther takes a keen interest in preservation and environmental issues. She became a vegan three years ago and is always looking to promote more sustainable ways of living.

Martin Spence

Martin is CEO of 7thWave, a bespoke blogging platform, guiding others to ‘get their message out there’. He has also published a book of ‘Haikus’.

Sally Outram

Sally is an award-winning Photojournalist, Journalist, Writer and published Author. With an appetite for environmental issues, travel and the outdoors, she produces commissioned work from national and local media, international and UK-based PR companies, the tourism industry, magazines, councils and educational establishments.

She has experience with TV  and Radio, holds a UK Press Pass with the NUJ and is a verified journalist on

Sally has a regular walking column/outdoors feature in MADE Lifestyle Magazine. 

Robert Tansey

Robert was introduced to bird watching in the late 1960s and worked on archaeological projects in the mid-1980s. He has studied Archaeology,  Biblical Archaeology , Community Education and Natural History. He  has a  Certificate in Archaeology, Masters Diploma in Biblical Archaeology, Diploma in Community Education, BA (Hons), MA (Distinction), PhD in Pastoral Ministries, and is qualified as an environmental journalist. Robert has recently been elected an Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

Click here for some of Robert’s books. And here for his environmental jouralism site.

Steve Shelley

Steve has written for many years on travel, business, wildlife and climate change. As chief reporter for the Society, he covers major events in, for example, film, conservation and travel.

Personally, he has published a number of books under his TheLonePenguin imprint. He also writes and produces nature-based documentaries.

Steve serves as chairman of the Sacred Nature Initiative. He has an MA (with distinction) in Leading Innovation and Change.